Vet CX's Podcast

Goulburn Veterinary Clinic has built a strong customer experience culture

Vet CX Season 1 Episode 4

In less than 12 months, Goulburn Veterinary Clinic transformed their customer experience (CX) and are now ranked 2nd in the country for CX in Vet CX’s Customer Care Insights program. 

The Vet CX Customer Care Insight Program compares 1000 veterinary practices each month in their approach to managing prospective clients who contact their practice by phone. 

Goulburn Veterinary Clinic joined the program in October 2019 and with a bit of training and CX focus, the clinic has moved from below average, to 2nd in the country, making the regional clinic’s story truly remarkable.

Dr Zachary Lederhose, Owner of Goulburn Veterinary Clinic shares his story of why he joined the program and how he has built a strong culture for CX to succeed.